A letter from Hobby Lobby CEO
This needs prayer.
Than God Christians are not totally depraved
I share Rick Phillips’ concerns about Tullian’s current trajectory.
Great quotes on great leadership
One of my favorites from Al Mohler’s new book: “If the leader is not leading in the digital world, his leadership is, by definition, limited to those who also ignore or neglect that world. That population is shrinking every minute. The clock is ticking.”
Deprived or Scroungers?
When Mez Mcconnell speaks on social deprivation, I listen, because he’s been there and because he’s bringing the Gospel to some of the most deprived communities in Scotland. What Mez describes here has significant parallels in the USA too. After you’ve read this piece click on over to The legacy of over-helping the poor in our schemes. Government policy cannot fix this.
At last!
Jared Wilson has collected some fantastic photos of men’s faces when they see their bride for the first time. And he has a beautiful Gospel application.
Last day to book Ligonier National Conference at Early Bird Rate