A quick summary of six ways to get to Christ via Old Testament Texts:

  1. Prophecies
  2. Pictures
  3. Presence
  4. Providence
  5. People
  6. Precepts

Previous videos in the How Sermons Work series here.

  • Pingback: 6 Ways to get to Christ in the Old Testament | blog of dan

  • James Haram

    Dr Murray, we are using your Preaching Christ from the OT lecture notes along side Preaching Christ from the OT by S. Greidanus in our second year of OT studies at the Free Church Continuing Seminary. It has radically changed the way I preach from the OT. The OT is so rich in Christ.

    • http://headhearthand.org/blog/ David Murray

      Glad to hear that, James.

  • http://www.nancyguthrie.com Nancy Guthrie

    So clear. So helpful!

    • http://headhearthand.org/blog/ David Murray

      Thanks Nancy.

  • http://www.antiordinary74.blogspot.com Eric J Dolce (@AntiOrdiary74)

    Who says doctrine isn’t practical? This post is such a blessing and so necessary! I enjoyed your talk at the Ligonier Conference too. God bless your ministry.

    • http://headhearthand.org/blog/ David Murray

      Thanks Eric. The Ligonier Conference was an amazing experience.