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In this week’s podcast, Tim and I review R C Sproul’s Lesson 2: Isaiah in the Ligonier Connect course that we are studying with 1200+ others.

This week we answer some of the questions that have arisen about Elijah and Isaiah. Some of the questions we consider are:

1. How do we explain God seeming to send a lying spirit in 1 Kings 22?

2. What’s the best way to read and study Isaiah?

3. How do we interpret poetic literature in the Bible?

4. What will the new heavens and the new earth be like?

5. How should we read Isaiah 53? Tim refers to this testimony: The Revival of a Rebel Jew.

There were a number of other questions that we couldn’t cover in the limited time, but we’ll post the other answers to your questions on the Ligonier Connect Course pages.

If you would like to take this course with us, there is still a short time to join in. Simply click here and join the version of the course led by Tim and me. Have the first, second and third lesson completed by March 18 and you’ll be right there with us. And in the meantime, give the podcast a quick listen.

  • Bernita Van Hierden

    I am enrolled in the course and enjoyed the podcasts – but
    where can I find the “conversation” on line – the questions/answers people are asking?

    • David Murray

      You’ll find them under the questions under each Video, Further Study, and To-do sections.

  • Anne

    I heard a testimony a couple of years ago and the man, who hadn’t grown up with the Bible as part of his life, recognized Isaiah 53 immediately as speaking of Christ, when it was first read to him. He had no idea it had been written hundreds of years before the incarnation … (just like the Jew Mr C was speaking of)

    I went to sermon audio and found the link to that testimony: