Raising a pure son in a sex-crazed world
“Here are 10 things I’m doing as a mother to a boy to fight against the triple threat of porn, aggressive girls, and ultimately premarital sex.”
Call your people to marketable skills and degrees
“Pastors, we need to be equipping our parents and their teenagers to make wise Kingdom advancing decisions when it comes to selecting a college major or obtaining a marketable skill. They need to make such decisions in light of what would best position them in the global market for making disciples and planting churches across North America and the world.”
Sanctification: Take it for granted?
An ex-Muslim’s testimony about the difference between Christian and Muslim sanctification.
Powlison on whether sanctification is only by remembering our justification
David Powlison: “Those who have had their Christian life revolutionized by awakening to the significance of justification by faith dare not extrapolate that to everyone else. One pattern of Christ’s working (even a pattern common to many people) should not overshadow all the other patterns.”
The resurrection of Christ in the Old Testament
Matthew Barrett with an excellent brief survey of Old Testament teaching.
Women Under Stress
Trillia Newbell interviews Randy Alcorn and his wife Nanci about their new book.