Bannerman’s Church of Christ (Outlined & Abridged)
Ryan McGraw has done the church a great service in providing an abridgment of James Bannerman’s magnum opus. Even if you’re not a Presbyterian, you will learn a lot of practical ecclesiology from this book. And for a few more days, IT’S FREE!
Tear-stained words of a mother
YES! Many of my spiritual heroes are Christians who suffer with the deepest depressions and yet hang on to God by the fingernails of their faith and refuse to let go even when they have no inner our outer encouragements to persevere.
Babies and Bathtubs
Shona talks about the amusing experience of having an “American” baby.
Covenant Eyes Mac Filter is here
At looooong last! Thank YOU!!
Captivated: Free Online Premiere next week
This is something for all church bulletins this Sunday.
Psalter and Heidelberg Catechism for mobile devices
1. Go to iBooks section
2. Open the link on your iPad (ignore any error message and tap on Download)
3. At download completed tap on “open in iBooks” ( it may take up to a minute the first time)
4. The same instructions apply to the epub version.
The epub version is meant for use on the iPhone, or other smartphones and tablets,