Lack of sleep blights pupils education
The United States has the highest number of sleep-deprived students, with 73% of 9 and 10-year-olds and 80% of 13 and 14-year-olds identified by their teachers as being adversely affected.
The danger of heart neglect
Joe Thorn warns of three dangers
Crazy Talk: How we characterize mental illness
Amy Simpson argues that the church should be leading the way in de-stigmatizing mental illness.
Should we interpret Bible verses literally or figuratively?
This is a helpful starting guide to five different kinds of biblical literature and the different approaches each requires.
What is typology?
Another helpful primer on interpreting the Bible.
The little things I’ll miss
Barry York reflects on what he’ll miss when he leaves his congregation to become professor of practical theology at theReformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Pittsburgh.