Is College worth it?
Alex Chediak links to some challenging discussions about the usefulness and value of college. His summary: “Thus far, their thesis seems to be that college is worth it for some people (those who have intellectual ability and personal discipline) at some colleges (those that haven’t watered-down their academics) in some majors (those that have reliable market value, particularly if you’re needing to debt-finance your education).” And while you’re at it, if you’re going to College soon or you have a child or grandchild going, why not pick up Alex’s excellent book,Thriving at College.
Is Jesus in the Old Testament?
Iain Duguid’s book of the same name is available for a free download this week. You’ll get the link at this post, together with a helpful review of some points in the book.
Show then tell
Just a heads-up about a new book on sermon illustrations that I was glad to endorse and which will soon be available.
Why did my wife and I write a book on The Pastor’s Family
Nice video here too.
Help I’m a new Christian: What are the rules on dating?
Mez McConnell with some down-to-earth advice: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.
7 Marks of a False Teacher
Tim Challies: “False teachers have been present in every era of human history, they have always been a plague and have always been in the business of providing counterfeit truth. While their circumstances may change, their methods remain consistent.”