A Digital Bill of Rights
A crowd-sourced document in response to the Edward Snowden revelations. Looks pretty reasonable to me.
C.J. Mahaney withdraws from 2014 T4G
Right decision.
Free eBook: What’s so great about the doctrines of grace?
Ligonier are offering Rick Phillips’ book for free during July.
Preaching Christ and Commending Virtue
Kyle Worley: “It is both possible and necessary to preach Christand commend virtue. Truly, there is no Christian virtue without Christ, and, there is no true Gospel impact upon a life without the blossoming of Christian virtue.”
10 for 20: Help us Build Gospel Centered Churches for Scotland’s Poorest
Never thought I’d be writing this. Can you afford $10 per month to fund Gospel outreach in Scotland?
Counsel to a young church planter on marriage
Don Carson answers a question about what should happen when one partner in a couple living together gets married: “What should be said to these couples where one of the pair gets converted, and the other, so far, does not. Should the advice be to get married? Or is that encouraging people to be unequally yoked?”