A Summary of Chapter 4: The Unity of The Trinity by Kevin Carson and Jeff Forrey in Christ-Centered Biblical Counseling.

This is the most theological of the chapters that I’ve read so far in Christ-centered Biblical Counseling, as it sets out to explore how “the doctrine of the Trinity affects both the goals and practice of counseling Christians.”

The Great Commission
The authors begin by looking at the Great Commission in Matthew 28v18-20, and end that first section with three applications:

  • Counseling done in the name of the Son must submit to His supreme authority.
  • Biblical counselors do not have any authority to deviate from Jesus’ purposes for the work of the church.
  • Counseling done within the church must include an invitation to have a relationship with Jesus through the Gospel for anyone who is not a Christian.

John’s Teaching
The authors also conclude their survey of the Apostle John’s teaching with three applications:

  • The relationship exhibited by the Triune God becomes the standard for unity, intimacy, perfect fellowship, harmony and oneness among Christians.
  • The believer’s love and friendship with one another should intentionally reflect the relationships within the Trinity.
  • These relationships within the church demonstrate the glory of God in love, kindness, graciousness, enjoyment, hope and unity.

The authors’ conclusion is that “a clear grasp of the relational model exhibited in the Triune God and its effects upon unity among believers directly impacts the purpose, practice, and priorities of the biblical counselor.”

  • The purpose of counseling is to help the counselee view life and trials in the light of a personal relationship with the Triune God.
  • The counselor is not primarily a doctor, professional or technician; the counselor is a friend, brother/sister, and companion in Christ amid suffering and sin.

Previous Posts in this Series

Introduction to Christ-Centered Biblical Counseling
John Piper on Biblical Counseling
Charity and Clarity in Counseling
The Counselor’s Role in the Holy Spirit’s Counseling