Should We Move On?
Trip Lee brings home the continuing painful reality of daily life as a young black man: “If you’ve never been on the receiving end of racism, sympathize with those who have. Learn about their experiences. You can’t love someone if you ignore or belittle their concerns. Please never assume that people are just complaining and playing the “race card.” Seek to understand them, and respect the fact that some of us live in different realities and have to endure different trials.”
Race Relations: Four Things You Can Do To Help
Kevin DeYoung: (1) Don’t bail; (2) Be quick to listen; (3) Enjoy friendships across racial lines; (4) Examine your heart.
My Lightning Strike
Tom Ascol and his daughter reflect on the lightning strike that changed their lives 5 years ago. If you read only one link today, please read Tom’s daughter’s reflection, If you hadn;t been struck by lightning…
Using the Heidelberg Catechism with Your Family
7 reminders and suggestions from Erik Raymond.
Preaching the Gospel in a Hostile Culture
Dave Furman is pastor of Redeemer Church of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.
Bryan Chapell on Christ-centered Preaching
“The alternative to trying to make every biblical text mention Jesus is identifying the redemptive context of each text; i.e., where and how does this text function in the unfolding revelation of God’s redemptive nature and plan.”