A Few Thoughts About Being Ordinary Christians
Tim Brister: “At the end of the day, I don’t want to be ordinarily ordinary, but ordinary in every sense that Jesus defines ordinary. It just seems that such a notion is, well, a radical thing to do.”
Are Proverbs Sure-Fire Promises?
Six principles for interpreting Proverbs.
Ask R.C.: Should Christians Protest At Abortion Mills?
“Protest seems to be saying, “The rest of you should be good, like me.” Proclaiming Christ instead says, “You all need to be forgiven, as I do. Jesus is our only hope.” It’s exactly what we need to say, and exactly what we need to hear.”
What’s At Stake With Internet Pornography
So thankful for Russell Moore’s incisive biblical commentary on our culture.
4 Ways to Cultivate Evangelistic Instincts
“Instead of pursuing others with the gospel, we are cocooned with those who already know it. A vortex pulls us into Christian activities and lulls us toward indifference to those yet to repent.”
9 Reasons Why Church Leaders Struggle With Prayer
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