6 Academic Resolutions for the New Year
Marc Cortez sends us back to school with “new year” resolutions.

Candid Pastoral Thoughts on Depression and Drugs
I’m more optimistic than Dan about the effectiveness of anti-depressants, but I appreciated the careful and compassionate way he expressed his concerns here, concerns which I also share. Over here, Bob Kellemen’s been dialoguing with a blog commenter about the difference/similarities between Biblical Counseling and a more integrated approach. It’s a profitable exchange.

Families, Flourishing, and Upward Mobility
James Smith: “One of the most powerful correlates with upward mobility is stability of family structure, including the presence of two-parent families, coupled with a strong presence of religious communities.”

Fascinating story about an African who came to the USA, came to faith, came to love the Puritans, and came to create a daily devotional App.

Christians, protect each other from busyness
Surely part of loving our neighbor as ourselves.

When you are broken
I’m not poetic enough to always follow Ann Voskamp’s posts, but there are some beautiful lines about aging here: “The point is that your life is meant to be used up and every wrinkle means you are wringing out the good of the wonder of this thing called life.”

  • http://heartpointsapp.com Yed Anikpo


    Thanks for sharing Heartpoints! We truly appreciate it. Blessings. :)