One of the ways that children sometimes try to deepen their relationship with their parents is to travel back to where their father or mother grew up. They might visit historical societies, read archives, and gather newspaper stories and artifacts from old friends. Doing so, they build a bigger and better picture of their father or mother and experience a deeper sense of connection with them and love for them.
In a similar way, Christians go back to the Old Testament to build a bigger and better picture of Jesus Christ. By connecting with His past, we connect better with Him and deepen our love for Him. The Old Testament connects us with Jesus’ past in the following ways (read the rest of this post at where I explain the following points):
- We are reading Jesus’ Bible
- We are learning Jesus’ language
- We are singing Jesus’ songs
- We are feeling Jesus’ feelings
- We are hearing Jesus’ voice
- We are seeing Jesus in action
- We are admiring Jesus’ trophies
Full post here.
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