It’s official! Today was the official day of Gracie’s adoption
Many of you will have been following Steven Lee’s adoption process which finally came to a happy ending (beginning?) at the weekend. Just think, without Martin Alan’s heart defect, little Gracie would not be in a Christian family and looking forward to the best medical care in the world. And if you want to help another Christian family adopt, how about supporting Justin Taylor’s family?
Writing’s Mysteries
Anyone interested in writing will enjoy this insight into Scot McKnight’s writing life.
New Issue of Credo: What’s the Big Story
The latest free online magazine from Credo focuses on “Why Biblical Theology Should Matter to Every Bible-Believing Christian.” Contributors include Justin Taylor, James Hamilton, T. Desmond Alexander, Stephen Wellum, Peter Gentry, G. K. Beale, Graham Cole, and others.
A Biblical Case for Limited Government
J P Moreland: “In what follows, I shall argue that, when properly interpreted, biblical teaching implies a minimal government with a specific function .” (HT: Matt Perman)
Why the Church Needs Business Principles
Barnabas Piper: “It will always be the mission of Jesus that drives the church and defines its effectiveness. But good methods help us do that mission better.”
18 Things I Will Not Regret Doing with my Husband
And as a bonus, you get a great pic of Tim and Aileen with the Loch Ness Monster (on the far left).