Dear Daddy in Seat 16C
You may want to read this if you have an autistic child. You definitely want to read it if you don’t.
A Weak Gospel Creates Weak Families
A summary of a speech by Shawn Mathis at the Family in Crisis Symposium: “Any objective evaluation of this family crisis must include the fact that a man-centered religion has replaced a Christ-centered Gospel. When legalism or lawlessness infects and weakens the wonderful doctrines of grace, families will begin to crumble. A weak gospel creates weak families.”
Thirteen Tips for Giving a Well-Organized and Informative Speech
The first six of these could transform many’s a sermon. Note especially #1 and #4.
Ministering to the Middle Class
Jeremy Walker squares off with Mez MccConnell: “Behind those manicured lawns and mock-Tudor frontages, behind those nice townhouse exteriors, behind those saccharine portraits of domestic bliss, are hearts full of sin. The people I go to are not nice, law-abiding citizens. Some of the tensions and feuds between neighbors are scarcely believable, fought out with icy silences and letters to local authorities rather than with bottles and bats, though the tensions often break out in angry, vicious speech that would make a docker blush.”
Abortion Meets a New Generation
A new generation of evangelicals is queasy with making a big issue of abortion. Dan Darling and Andrew Walker explain how you can;t tout social justice will side-stepping the sanctity of life.
Light in the Darkness
Get yourself over to Challies to watch this stirring film and show it to your family at the weekend.