Up For A Trade
This is such a good article. I wish all college-bound kids would read this and seriously consider if they’re doing the right thing. Dwayne the plumber writes:
I went to the job fair at the public school to talk to the seniors about my trade. No one stopped to speak with me. There was not a shred of interest in plumbing or HVAC work. Doctors, insurance agents, bankers and white collar cubicle dwellers were all mobbed. I spent the time talking to another bored tradesman standing next to me. The sad truth is that the accomplished tradesmen that work for me earn more than 80% of the people there and my guys were paid to learn their business and didn’t have to be lucky to find a great job.
The Art of Presence
David Brooks teaches pastoral ministry at The New York Times.
Pastors and Sabbath: The Importance of Rest
Mark Dance: “Although the fourth Commandment is on the God’s Top Ten list, even before stealing and adultery, it often seems like a luxury for the rich, retired, or relaxed. Besides, driven pastors are applauded for their extra efforts by their peers, and rarely rebuked for working too long or hard. If we are not careful, well-meaning people will unknowingly applaud us to our graves! Why don’t friends and family join the ovation? Because they can see up close the price tag of success.”
145 John Newton Tweets
You didn’t know that Newton tweeted?
Is Church Growth All About the Pastor?
Is this good or bad? “When it comes to church attendance, nothing matters as much as the ability of the pastor to deliver good sermons. If a pastor is good at his job, the church grows. If he’s bad at his job, the church shrinks. Sounds unspiritual—but it’s true.”
Top 10 Ridiculous Responses to my Third Pregnancy
This is funny, and as someone aged 47 who was blessed with a fifth child in the past year, I’ve heard most of these and a few more as well. The most common response I heard was “Was it a surprise?” My reply? “Not to God!”