Some Questions About Scientism
A must read/see for College students.

7 Disciplines of Spiritual Leaders
Reggie McNeal believes bad leaders “are a form of evil” because “they curse people by diminishing their life” and they “rob people of hope.”

Why White People Don’t Like to Talk About Race
Barnabas Piper: “The vast majority of my fellow Caucasians fall into two groups: those who don’t want to talk about race at all and those who want to but don’t know how.”

5 Reasons Why The Church Must Engage the World With Social Media
“The purposes for engaging the culture this way are the same purposes that led the church to engage with the world before the Internet ever existed.”

Sinclair Ferguson on Lessons from a Lifetime of Pastoring

Best Lessons from a Lifetime of Pastoring from Desiring God on Vimeo.