Rediscovering Jesus’ Hymnbook
By Joe Holland, a man after my own heart.
The Table of Contents for What’s Best Next
Surely this will tempt you.
A Preaching Confession
Totally with Barry on this one: “All I do know is that in my breast is a greater yearning than ever to see conversions when I preach and yet an even greater shame over how small a flame it has been all these years.”
Now Anyone Can Use Getty Images For Free
Bloggers of the world rejoice.
Give Me Scotland or I Die
Give someone Scotland or I die.
2 Million Scientists Identify as Evangelical
“The media often portrays scientists and Christians as incapable of peaceful coexistence. But results from a recent survey suggest the two are not as incompatible as one might think. In fact, 2 million out of nearly 12 million scientists are evangelical Christians.”