Words for the Anxious Soul
The Psalms help us to avoid two flawed responses to anxiety.
5 More Reasons Why You Should Read Jonathan Edwards
Especially if you’ve tried and given up.
The Four Questions of Christian Education
Anthony Bradley: “If any student graduates from a Christian school, at either the secondary or the university level, and cannot answer the following questions I argue that the school is failing.”
Three-Step Strategy To Study Hard Without Burning Out
By a guy who knows what he’s talking about:
- Set concrete studying hours that leave room for rest time.
- Switch passive learning tasks to active ones.
- Build a comfortable, but distraction-free working environment.
The Affordable Desk That Could Make Standing In The Office Mainstream
$400. But look at the health profit.
Best Shift Ever
I know, I know, yoga is new-agey and all that, but put your yogaphobia aside for a few minutes and just enjoy the beautiful humanity in this positive prank.