Finding Joy In Clouds
“My newfound Scriptural view of clouds gave me words to describe and understand a profoundly moving moment from my past when God himself came to me in the clouds. It was weeks after the unexpected death of our baby, Paul.”
4 Ways To Minister To Older Saints
John Pond: “If you desire a revival of gospel-centered ministry, then you’ll need to learn from and engage the the older generation. Consider these four ways to minister to older saints.”
Where to Find Real Simplicity
Scott Redd looks at the growing fascination with “the simple life” and points us to the real source of that simplicity.
It’s Just A LIttle While
Worth reading through just to experience the power of the last line. I won’t spoil it for you.
Warren Buffett Has Given $1.2 Billion To Abortion Groups
“If you give $1,000 to a ballot initiative to defend traditional marriage, that’s controversial. If you give $1.25 billion to promote abortion, journalists, who are wildly pro-abortion, don’t dare see any controversy.”
L’Damian Washington Film
I know virtually nothing about American Football, but I was deeply touched by this story of one man triumphing over adversity for the sake of his brothers.