And God Made Them Male And Female And…
Facebook now gives users 58 genders to choose from.
Is Your Busy Season Becoming A Lifetime?
Melissa Martin: “As a church-planting wife in a youthful church, I have the opportunity to listen to many young wives and mothers. Over and over, I hear the same thing. They are tired. They are discouraged. They lack joy. They are deep in that “busy season” but don’t see a clear road for this season to ever end.”
7 Traits of Leaders Who Hire Well
Eric Geiger: “In my role, I interact daily with leaders and managers who hire people, who invite others to join the teams they lead. I have observed these seven common traits in leaders who hire well, leaders who seem to excel at attracting the right players to their teams.”
Seasonal Affective Disorder And Eskimos
Brad Hambrick encourages us to learn from the Eskimos and become less of a “doing” culture and more of a “being” culture.
The End of Books
Interview about reading trends and habits with Tony Reinke, author of Lit! A Christian Guide To Reading Books.
Foreknown: An Abortion Story
Wow! This powerful short film is an excellent counter-culture documentary about abortion, “proclaiming the truth about life and the redeeming love of Jesus Christ.”