The Perfect Fundraising Letter
Very clever. Hope it’s effective.
22 Strange And Fascinating Facts About Sleep
One for the staffroom or the family table. My favorite is #20.
What Millennials Want in Leaders
Mentoring, gentle spirit, integrity, transparency and authenticity. And here’s one on 20 Habits of Untrustworthy Leaders.
The Hardest Thing A Leader Says…The Last 2%
So true. So challenging.
50 Strategies for Better Preaching
Taken from a book about writing.
On The Job Training Isn’t Working
Boz Tchvidjain: “The on-the-job training of pastors and other faith leaders in preventing and responding to child sexual abuse isn’t working – it is dangerous and all too often has devastating consequences.”
The answer?
“GRACE recently convened a team of Christian theologians, pastors, counselors, educators, and child protection professionals who have each demonstrated a commitment to protecting children and serving survivors. This historic committee has embraced the task of developing the first substantive seminary curriculum designed to educate and train Christian leaders on effective prevention and ministry responses to child sexual abuse. Our objective is to develop this curriculum in such a way that it can be easily adapted into virtually any seminary curriculum.”
Such a great idea! Can’t wait to incorporate this into the counseling program at PRTS. And on the same subject, here’s CCEF on Pastoral Wisdom And The Mandate To Report Abuse.