Christian leaders face many difficult, daunting, demanding, and, sometimes, dangerous situations – both outside the church and inside the church. That’s why the military model of leadership is used so commonly in Scripture. And yet the vast majority of us are cowards. We avoid danger. We walk away from conflict. We prefer comfort and ease to sacrifice and pain. Christians especially may have a tendency towards timidity rather than bravery. Fear comes more naturally than faith.
That’s why God calls us to courage in the Bible (Josh. 1:6, 9, 18; 1 Cor. 9:26; 1 Tim. 6:12; 2 Tim. 1:7; 2:3-4), and also gives us many examples of it in the Bible and in Church History. These exhortations and examples set the bar high but don’t really provide help in reaching it. So, although I feel I have more expertise in cowardice than courage, here are a few things I’ve found useful in times when I have been enabled to put my head above the parapet.
You can read the rest of the post at The Christward Collective.
The bullet points are:
1. Memorize scripture
2. Ponder the potential
3. Seek the En-courager
4. Take baby-steps
5. Trust the Lord with your future
6. Hold on to the promises
7. Maintain a clear conscience
8. Remember the final judgment.