Having considered 14 different kinds of seeker and then offered some reminders and questions when dealing with seekers, today I’d like to offer some guidelines for helping seekers find the Lord.

1. Teach the Gospel of God (objective)
Make sure the seeker understands the core of the Gospel

  • Who God is in His three persons.
  • An outline of the history of redemption
  • The person and work of Christ
  • The way of salvation

You need to make sure that they are seeking the right thing/person and not something they have invented. You can’t find what doesn’t exist.

2. Explain the ways of God (subjective)
Having established the objective facts of the Gospel, we must move on to the personal subjective reception and application of the Gospel.

  • How is a person saved.
  • The order of salvation.
  • What is going on in the person’s life.
  • Relationship of law and Gospel.
  • Especially emphasize the simplicity of faith. 

3. Impress the call of God
God calls everyone to seek him. See Matthew 22 for the following points about the Gospel call as a royal wedding invitation: it’s a divine call, a personal call, a generous call, a gracious call, a wide call, a sincere call, a simple call, a solemn call, and a successful call.

4. Assure of the promise of God
God promises that seekers shall find him (Matt. 7:7).  Spurgeon gives a helpful crescendo:

  • You are invited to come (Isaiah 55:1).
  • You are entreated to come (Ezekiel 33:1).
  • You are commanded to come (Mark 16:16)!
  • “Him that comes to me I will in no wise cast out.” John 6:37.

He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him (Hebrews 11:6).

5. Tell the stories of God
From Scripture and church history demonstrate how God uses so many different means, methods, and ways to save sinners. Some biblical examples include:

  • The Rich Young Ruler (Mark 10:17-27)
  • The Thief on the Cross (Luke 23:39-43)
  • The Canaanite Woman (Matthew 15:21-28)
  • Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10)
  • The distressed Father (Mark 9:14-29)
  • The Leper (Matthew 8:1-4)
  • Nicodemus (John 3:1-31)
  • Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8:23-40)

6. Warn of the judgment of God
“Yes, it’s good to be a seeker but it’s imperative that you be a finder, that you press on with urgency to secure the Savior for your own soul. Seek FIRST the kingdom of God (Mat. 6:33).”

7. Encourage with the sovereignty of God
The sovereignty of God is both a spur and pillow. It’s a spur in that it makes us realize that none of us can save ourselves. It’s a pillow because God’s sovereign power is big enough and willing enough to save us.

None of us are naturally seekers of God. We only become so by the sovereign intervention of God’s Holy Spirit in our lives. Help the person detect God’s work of grace in their lives by explaining what fruits should be there.

He is seeking too! The Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost (Luke 9:23; 19:10).

8. Leave space for God
Don’t try to do what God alone can do – bring a person to faith and repentance. Trust the Lord to do that without your pressure or manipulation. Leave it to God to give the person assurance. Form prayers may be helpful but better to let the Holy Spirit produce prayer in the life.

9. Direct to the means of God
No one who is truly seeking will deliberately avoid church – the place where God allows Himself to be found. Stress also the importance of daily Bible reading and personal prayer as a way of finding and of being found.

10. Teach the demands of God
Help them to count the cost, to realize what’s involved in following Christ, a life of self-denial and cross-carrying (Luke 14:28).

Obviously, these steps are not necessarily chronological. Each person has different needs and we must pray for wise sensitivity when pointing people to the Savior.