A Portrait of Christ: A Look at Who Jesus Is and What He is Like by D. Patrick Ramsey.

This book began as a series of sermons that answered two questions, “Who is Jesus?” and “What is Jesus like?” with an emphasis on the second.

The opening chapter gives a brief readable survey of the whole Bible, climaxing with the first and second comings of Christ. Following that, we have a chapter that looks in turn at the humanity of Jesus then the divinity of Jesus, concluded with a brief consideration of Jesus the God-man.

The heart of the book, to my mind, are the next two chapters on the compassion of Christ, closely followed by a chapter on Christ’s friendship and and one on Christ’s anger. The last chapter explains the humility of Christ.

A good book for handing out to someone who has little or no knowledge of who Jesus is. Also helpful for young Christians to ground them in the person of Christ. But also a sweet one-week, chapter-a-day devotional for the mature Christian who wants to renew their relationship with their Lord and Savior.