Journibles: Revelation | Books at a glance
Aimee Byrd is almost raptured by the Journibles series.
An excerpt from my new book Faker”…(and a note from me). |
Read a free chapter from Nicholas McDonald’s new book for teenagers/students.
How healthy is our growth?
Arron argues that just because a church grows, doesn’t mean it’s healthy. Cancer grows too.
Marks of Orthodoxy? – Feeding on Christ
Not black suits or ripped jeans, says Nick Batzig.
How to get things done in seminary: The 5 keys to productive scholarship | Southern Blog
Bit late for me, but might help others.
Couple of important tech cautions : Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: The Rise of the Selfie Generation by Nathan W. Bingham and Six Wrong Reasons to Check Your Phone in the Morning by Tony Reinke. Most worrying statistic for me in Tony’s article was: “Then we asked, whether you are more likely to check email and social media before or after your spiritual disciplines on a typical morning, 73% of you said before.”
Andreas Köstenberger on Studying Primary Sources | LogosTalk
The 37 Best Business Books I’ve Ever Read – Michael Hyatt
The Fascinating Politics of Polygamy –
Ross Douthat continues to trace the trajectory of recent trends and decision to their only logical destination.
How a massive, silent cultural revolution has changed America | New York Post
If you’re a baker, you can refuse to cater a gay wedding for any reason you please — you’re too busy, you’re taking a few days off, you’re hung over — but if you say the words, “I don’t approve of gay marriage,” you’ll not only be vilified, you’ll be bankrupted.
Let’s hope that, 15 years from now, another cultural revolution has followed — and Americans will be able to think whatever they want without fear of condemnation.
The New Persecution | RealClearReligion
Russell Shaw says there are two prongs to the current persecution of Christians in the West:
One consists of pressuring individual religious believers to cooperate with public policies inimical to faith. The other prong is pressure targeted at religious groups and institutions to adapt their programs to the promotion of values hostile to the sponsors’ moral convictions.
What REALLY Happened in Ireland’s Gay Marriage Election
Millions of dollars of American money, I’m afraid.
How US Students Get A University Degree For Free In Germany
While the cost of college education in the US has reached record highs, Germany has abandoned tuition fees altogether for German and international students alike. An increasing number of Americans are taking advantage and saving tens of thousands of dollars to get their degrees.
Kindle Books
Word versus Deed: Resetting the Scales to a Biblical Balance by Duane Liftin $3.99.
The Case for Life: Equipping Christians to Engage the Culture by Scot Klusendorf $3.99.
Did You Know?: More Than 6,000 Bible Questions and Answers $0.99.
Recommended New Book
Reformed Worship by Terry Johnson $8.99.
The Fallen Of World War II
An animated data-driven documentary about war and peace, The Fallen of World War II looks at the human cost of the second World War and sizes up the numbers to other wars in history, including trends in recent conflicts.