
Top 5 Obstacles to Having a Great Christian Marriage | Ron Edmondson
“The overall goal of marriage is not to make both parties in the marriage like one of the parties. It’s to make ONE new unit out of the two.”

Does Netflix Make Christ More Precious to You? | John Piper, Desiring God
The title alone is convicting for most of us. Piper goes on to give a primer on “counting all things as loss.”

Not All Doctrines Are At The Same Level: How To Make Some Distinctions And Determine A Doctrine’s Importance |  Justin Taylor, The Gospel Coalition
Justin summarizes three methods he has used to suss out the difference.

Pastors, Power, and Prettiness | Karen Swallow Prior, Christianity Today
A response to Doug Wilson’s recent musings that “Christian Women Are Prettier.”

Caring for Your Wife in Miscarriage | Cary Hughes, Desiring God

Planned Parenthood’s problems have to do with facts that are not in dispute | Denny Burke

Kindle Books

The Case for Grace: A Journalist Explores the Evidence of Transformed Lives by Lee Strobel $2.99.

Boundaries with Kids: When to Say Yes, How to Say No by Henry Cloud $2.99.

The Christian Ministry by David Murray $2.99


The Christian Heritage Collection
Here’s some fine God-glorifying art. Have a look at the final product here.

  • Andrew Chance

    Dr. Murray,

    What did you think of Doug Wilson’s article? Although spoken rather impudently (as he commonly does), I can’t see how he says anything but that women with a gentle and quiet spirit who do good works are objectively more beautiful than those who don’t.