There’s a way to stop mass shootings and you won’t like it | Rob Myers
Mountaintop Theology | Nick Batzig
50 Books J I Packer Thinks You Should Read | Crossway
The Tolerance Jesus Will Not Tolerate | Kevin DeYoung
Tethered to Technology – Escaping the IT Trap | Center for Vision and Values
Kindle Books
Thatcher by Jacob Bannister $2.99. I was a Thatcher fanatic in my teens and early twenties, even campaigning for a hopeless Conservative candidate (one of Winston Churchill’s grandsons) in one general election.
A Portrait of Paul by Jeremy Walker $3.99. Here’s my review of this book.
What Is a Reformed Church? by Malcolm Watts $1.99.
How to Preach without Notes by Charles Koller $2.99.
Recommended Book
The Pastor and Counseling: The Basics of Shepherding Members in Need by Jeremy Pierre and Deepak Reju.
I’m not endorsing Carly either politically or spiritually but her story is truly fascinating.