
7 Ways Women Can Grow in Studying and Teaching Scripture without Seminary | Nancy Guthrie
Nancy Guthrie’s answer to this question: “I haven’t been to seminary or received any formal theological training. I’m grateful for all God has taught me over the years through the ministry of the Word on Sunday mornings and in Bible studies in my church, but I often feel inadequate to teach the Bible to others, even though I want to (and others have encouraged me to). What resources are there for theological training I’d be able to use as a non-seminarian—and one who cannot go to seminary at this stage in my life?”

Strong Families Mean Richer States | The Federalist
New research shows people who live in locales that have more married-parent families also enjoy higher incomes and economic mobility overall.

Indulging Transgender Fantasies Makes Them Worse | The Federalist
“Here is the truth I lived. No matter what surgery or hormones one takes, his or her biology, neurology, and genetic composition remain the same, just like that of my dad’s. Yes, he called himself Becky. But my dad was male. He was a son, husband, and father.”

Eight Life-Changing Things Someone Taught Me | Sayable
“There have been seven or eight lessons I have learned over the course of my life that have altered my thinking in profound ways.”

Seminary. Be Here! | Gentle Reformation
Barry York makes the case for on-campus learning as opposed to distance learning.

The Grief, Happiness, and Hope of Late-in-Life Singleness | Her.meneutics
“Over the decades, I have attended countless bridal showers, wedding ceremonies, baby showers, and anniversary parties. Again and again, I celebrated my friends’ milestones while waiting for my own happy ending. Then this year, on my 58th birthday, I bought my wedding dress. Finally, my wait was over.”

Kevin DeYoung Appointed to RTS Faculty
Reformed Theological Seminary has appointed Kevin DeYoung as chancellor’s professor of systematic and historical theology as of January 1, 2016.  Kevin will teach at RTS while he continues as senior pastor of University Reformed Church in East Lansing Michigan . The position of chancellor’s faculty is designed to provide for a professor to teach at multiple RTS campuses benefitting a greater number of students.

Kindle Books

The Reformation: How a Monk and a Mallet Changed the World by Steve Nichols $2.99.

John Calvin: Pilgrim and Pastor by Robert Godfrey $2.99.

The Grand Weaver: How God Shapes Us Through the Events of Our Lives by Ravi Zacharias $2.99.

The Power of Rest: Why Sleep Alone Is Not Enough. A 30-Day Plan to Reset Your Body by Matthew Edlund $2.99.

Recommended New Book

Worshipping with Calvin by Terry Johnson. Been out for a few months now, but well worth a look.


Justified by Faith Alone: New Teaching Series by R C Sproul
So, so good to see Dr. Sproul back to his teaching in this new video series. I love the setting for this. You can watch the first episode free and buy the DVD here.