
3 Keys to Listening During Sermons | Gospel-Centered Discipleship
“When I’m listening to a sermon I try to always do the following three things: 1. Open my Bible and follow along as the pastor preaches the Word. 2. Listen for key ideas/points. 3. Learn to interpret the biblical text from your pastor.

When Should You Not Take Communion? | Ligonier Ministries: Anthony Carter
“Contrary to some assumptions, the Lord’s Table is not for everyone. It is a blessed sacrament, like baptism, given to the church as a sign of God’s faithfulness to His promises and an assurance in the heart of the one to whom the promises are given. With this in mind, we should understand that there are at least two groups of people who should be discouraged from partaking at the Lord’s Table, namely, the unconverted and the unrepentant.”

Why Daughters Need Their Dads | Lifeway Blog
“Men, we need you. We-mothers, daughters, and sisters-need your help to raise healthy young women. We need every ounce of masculine courage and wit you own because fathers, more than anyone else, set the course for a daughter’s life.”

Five Pieces of ‘Out-Dated’ Dating Advice | Desiring God
“The Old Testament may not be prescriptive when it comes to dating, but it is certainly profitable. Don’t (necessarily) go buying a couple camels and some heavy bracelets. Certainly don’t marry a woman and her sister (Jacob, Leah, and Rachel in Genesis 29). But you might apply the five following principles from Genesis 24 on the way to your wedding day.”

Top 10 Ways to Be More Productive When Working from Home | Lifehacker
Helpful for many pastors who work for home.

Answering the Abortion Question that Is Sure to Come | Kevin DeYoung
“You are a staunch opponent of abortion rights. Many have argued, even members of your own party, that your position is too extreme for most Americans and could hurt your chances in the General Election. Would you really tell a rape victim that she must carry to term a child that was forced upon her by an act of such cruelty?”

Surgical Sex by Paul R. McHugh | First Things
Important article on the usually unreported damage of sex-reassignment surgery.

Help Me Teach the Bible: Liam Goligher
Liam Goligher, senior minister at Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, discusses his preaching series through Isaiah.

Kindle Books

The Law of Kindness by Mary Beeke (Joel Beeke’s wife) $1.99.

Text-Driven Preaching: God’s Word at the Heart of Every Sermon by Daniel Akin and David Allen $2.99.

The Fringe Hours: Making Time for You $3.90. My wife, Shona, has been enjoying this.

Flight 93: The Story, the Aftermath, and the Legacy of American Courage on 9/11 $1.99 Foreword by Governor Tom Ridge.


The Daring Mission of William Tyndale
An interview with Steven Lawson about the biography he wrote on William Tyndale.