One of the privileges of working at PRTS is the weekly arrival of new books to supplement our library of 70,000+ books. Here are the new picks this week.
Inclusion in the library does not necessarily mean endorsement of contents. We often have to buy books to help students with specialist theses and also to train students to think critically. Also note that new to the library does not mean a new book on the market.
Defenders of the Unborn: The Pro-Life Movement before Roe v. Wade by Daniel K. Williams
“In Defenders of the Unborn, Daniel K. Williams reveals the hidden history of the pro-life movement in America, showing that a cause that many see as reactionary and anti-feminist began as a liberal crusade for human rights. ”
Proven Men: The 12-Week Study to a Proven Path to Sexual Integrity by Joel Hesch
Companion study guide to Proven Men: A Proven Path to Sexual Integrity; Help with Pornography, Masturbation or Sex Addiction from a Biblical Perspective.
The Power of God: A Jonathan Edwards Commentary on the Book of Romans edited by Lovi and Westerhoff
“…nearly everything the great American puritan Jonathan Edwards (1703–58) ever wrote on the book of Romans. It is collated into a verse-by-verse Bible commentary. Pastors, theologians, historians, and Bible study leaders will find a treasure of biblical insight along with practical application, as one of the great theologians of the Christian church expounds the book that Martin Luther called the ‘most important piece in the New Testament.’”
Church with Jesus as the Hero by David E. Prince and Ashland Staff
“The goal of this simple book is to help Christians gain a Jesus-centered, gospel-focused mentality while reading and applying the Scripture and living together in the community of the church. Consider the book a quick start guide to help create a Christ-centered life and ministry trajectory.”
The Allure of Gentleness: Defending the Faith in the Manner of Jesus by Dallas Willard
“When Christians share their faith, they often appeal to reason, logic, and the truth of doctrine. But these tactics often are not effective. A better approach to spread Christ’s word, Dallas Willard suggests, is to use the example of our own lives. To demonstrate Jesus’s message, we must be transformed people living out a life reflective of Jesus himself, a life of love, humility, and gentleness.”
The Whole Christ: Legalism, Antinomianism, and Gospel Assurance—Why the Marrow Controversy Still Matters by Sinclair Ferguson
“Since the days of the early church, Christians have wrestled with the relationship between law and gospel. If, as the apostle Paul says, salvation is by grace and the law cannot save, what relevance does the law have for Christians today?”
The Eyes of Your Heart: Literary and Theological Trajectories of Imagining Biblically (Paternoster Theological Monographs) by Alison Searle
“This book develops a theory of imagining biblically that explores the contributions scripture can make to a new way of thinking about creativity, reading, interpretation, and criticism.”
Jonathan Edwards’s Vision of Reality: The Relationship of God to the World, Redemption History, and the Reprobate by John J. Bombaro
“Jonathan Edwards’s Vision of Reality substantiates that Edwards, in an effort to combat deistic and materialistic Enlightenment paradigms, employs dispositions in his philosophy, but that his radical theocentrism and Calvinistic particularism established its boundaries within his apologetical reconsideration of spatiotemporal and metaphysical reality.”
Literal Figures: Puritan Allegory and the Reformation Crisis in Representation by Thomas H. Luxon
“Literal Figures is the most important work on John Bunyan to appear in many years, and a significant contribution to the history and theory of representation… Thomas Luxon presents detailed analyses of key moments in the Reformation crisis of representation.”
Adoptive Youth Ministry (Youth, Family, and Culture): Integrating Emerging Generations into the Family of Faith edited by Chap Clark
“Chap Clark, one of the leading voices in youth ministry today, brings together twenty-four experts from a variety of denominations and traditions to offer a comprehensive introduction to adoptive youth ministry, a theologically driven, academically grounded, and practical youth ministry model.”
A Question of Consensus: The Doctrine of Assurance after the Westminster Confession by Jonathan Master
“From the very earliest days after its completion in 1646, the Westminster Confession’s position on assurance has been a subject of controversy. In this exciting new work, Jonathan Master considers the Westminster Confession’s statements on assurance as a position of consensus among a diversity of viewpoints.”
Singing and the Imagination of Devotion: Vocal Aesthetics in Early English (Studies in Christian History and Thought) by Susan Brown
“Singing and the Imagination of Devotion examines a common activity-singing-which is often taken for granted. This study reveals a previously unexplored source of aesthetic theory for anyone interested in music, worship, and the interface of Christianity and the arts…”
J. I. Packer: An Evangelical Life by Leland Ryken
“Over the last sixty years, J. I. Packer has exerted a steady and remarkable influence on evangelicalism. In this biography, well-known scholar Leland Ryken acquaints us with Packer’s life, heart, and mind, tracing the outworking of God’s sovereign plan through his childhood, intellectual pursuits, and professional life.”
Lifting Hearts to the Lord: Worship with John Calvin in Sixteenth-Century Geneva by Karin Maag
“Bringing together a rich range of primary sources — images, liturgies, sermons, letters, eyewitness accounts, and Genevan consistory records — this book examines worship as it was taught and practiced in John Calvin’s Geneva.”
The Pastor and Counseling: The Basics of Shepherding Members in Need by Jeremy Pierre and Deepak Reju
“Written to help pastors and church leaders understand the basics of biblical counseling, this book provides an overview of the counseling process from the initial meeting to the final session. It also includes suggestions for cultivating a culture of discipleship within a church and four appendixes featuring a quick checklist, tips for taking notes, and more.”
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