Online Education: Relation-less Education | Adam Johnson, The Scriptorium Daily
“Why attend a ‘brick and mortar’ institution? Why walk away from the benefits and discounts offered by online education? Because those discounts come with a cost–a savings accomplished by gutting education of its heart and soul–the relationship between teacher and student, in which not merely information, but a way of life is imparted through an ongoing relationship. ”
Tools I Use to Get Things Done | Tim Challies
Tips from the master.
I outlined my preferred productivity tools in Do More Better and if you read that book you will find some detail on Evernote, Todoist, and Google Calendar. Today I want to tell a little about some of the other tools I use in case they are of interest to you.
Yes, life is scary. No, it’s not time to panic | Joel J. Miller
“Whatever survival benefit we gain from fear-induced stress, it hardly compensates for the emotional and spiritual turmoil we suffer in exchange. We can’t get away from fear-mongering pundits, politicians, activists, and trolls. But we don’t have to buy what they’re selling.”
12 Amazing Benefits of Exercise | Fitness Pal
#1: Relieves Stress & Anxiety. Exercise releases norepinephrine, which can regulate and reduce your stress response. It can also improve overall mood and alleviate depression through endorphins that provide feelings of euphoria.
New Book
Gospel-Centered Youth Ministry: A Practical Guide edited by Cameron Cole and Jon Nielson.
Kindle Deals
Stop Loving the World by William Greenhill ($2.99)
Atheism Remix: A Christian Confronts the New Atheists by R. Albert Mohler, Jr. ($4.99)
The Gospel at Work: How Working for King Jesus Gives Purpose and Meaning to Our Jobs by Sebastian Traeger and Greg D. Gilbert ($1.99).
Biblical Words and Their Meaning: An Introduction to Lexical Semantics by Moisés Silva ($1.99)
Becoming Worldly Saints: Can You Serve Jesus and Still Enjoy Your Life? by Michael E. Wittmer ($1.99)
Election 2016: “Our Hope Is in the Living God Who Reigns Yet”
Don Carson reflects on the dilemma facing Christians in the US elections.
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