
The Economics of Sleep, Part 1 | Freakonomics Radio
“Could a lack of sleep help explain why some people get much sicker than others?”

10 Ways to Slow Down and Still Get More Done | Time Management Ninja
“As counterintuitive as it may first seem, you may need to slow down in order to get more done in your day. ”

Christian Groups Fight Scottish Law Giving Every Kid A Government Guardian | Kiley Crossland, The Aquila Report
“Christian and family groups in Scotland are making a last ditch effort to stop implementation of a new law that would assign a state guardian to every child in Scotland.”

A Redemptive Historical Lamb | Nicholas T. Batzig, Feeding on Christ
“As various aspects of the Person, saving work and fruit of the Lord Jesus unfolded throughout Old Testament redemptive history, one truth that continually rose to the forefront is the need for an atoning sacrifice.”

Three Types of Friends Every Leader Needs | Eric Geiger
“Some have lamented that leadership is lonely. The unique pressure and responsibilities that leaders face can push some leaders to isolation. But wise leaders reject the temptation to remove themselves from others. Great leaders know they need others for both encouragement and wisdom. Here are three types of friends that every leader needs:”

The Message of Islam vs. The Gospel of Jesus | The Gospel Coalition
“‘Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God?’ has become especially controversial among Christians in the United States. Responses have often been polarizing, with one side insisting the answer must be affirmative and the other vehemently denying this. But the question itself is highly ambiguous and conflates different issues in an unhelpful manner. Thus, rather than trying to answer directly whether Christians and Muslims worship the same God, it’s more helpful to consider similarities and differences in the beliefs of Muslims and Christians, noting areas of both agreement and disagreement.”

New Book

Christ or Chaos by Dan DeWitt

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For your non-Kindle book buying, please consider using Reformation Heritage Books in the USA and Reformed Book Services in Canada. Good value prices and shipping.

Praying the Bible by Donald S. Whitney ($4.99)

Embracing Obscurity: Becoming Nothing in Light of God’s Everything by Anonymous ($0.99)

Wednesdays were Pretty Normal: A Boy, Cancer, And God by Michael Kelley ($2.99)


If the World Were 100 People | GOOD Magazine