Three Types of Accountability Every Leader Needs | Eric Geiger
“Who a leader listens to shapes much of what a leader does. A leader who surrounds himself with wise counsel is a leader who is much more likely to lead well. A leader surrounded by fools is a leader who is doomed to fail.”
I Slept with My Girlfriend — Now What? | Ask Pastor John, Desiring God
“A friend of the podcast, who wishes to remain anonymous, writes in: ‘Hello Pastor John, I’m a listener in the Middle East. I slept with my girlfriend two days ago, and now we are both left hurt and feeling dirty, cheap, ashamed — we cannot even look at ourselves. We are both born-again believers in Christ, but we got lured into temptation. Is there any hope that we might become pure again and be healed from our sin?’”
The Fastest, Cheapest Way to Learn Evernote | Michael Hyatt
“Brett has just released a brand new edition. It’s updated to correspond with the most recent Evernote interface and packed with new tips and approaches for maximizing your experience.”
Introducing the New and Improved Logos Pro Training Page | LogosTalk
“If you want to learn how to use Logos — because you want to study the Bible — you’ve got to check out the new Logos Pro page.”
Martin Luther on Vocation and Serving Our Neighbors | Gene Veith, Acton Institute
“For Martin Luther, vocation is nothing less than the locus of the Christian life. God works in and through vocation, but he does so by calling human beings to work in their vocations. I”
These Will Be The Top Jobs In 2025 (And The Skills You’ll Need To Get Them) | Gwen Moran, Fast Company
“‘There are some overarching shifts poised to change the nature of work itself over the next decade,’ says Devin Fidler, research director at Institute for the Future, a nonprofit research center focused on long-term forecasting. That includes a demand for new skills and strategies that could help people to thrive in future work environments.”
Kindle Deals
For your non-Kindle book buying needs please consider using Reformation Heritage Books in the USA and Reformed Book Services in Canada. Good value prices and shipping.
Love Into Light: The Gospel, the Homosexual and the Church by Peter Hubbard ($0.99)
An Infinite Journey: Growing toward Christlikeness by Andrew M. Davis ($0.99)
Gospel: Recovering the Power that Made Christianity Revolutionary by J.D. Greear
New Book
Recapturing the Voice of God: Shaping Sermons Like Scripture by Steven W. Smith. See video below.
Introduction to Steven W. Smith’s Recapturing the Voice of God
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