No Adam, No Christ! | Nick Batzig, Reformation21 Blog
“As is true of the connection between the historicity and theology of the resurrection of Christ so too of the historicity and theology of the creation and fall account of Genesis 1-3. ”
Will You Use Target’s Transgender Bathroom? | John Piper, Desiring God
“This sentence from 1992 Justice Anthony Kennedy is probably the most destructive sentence that the Court has ever spoken. That would be my guess. I have not read them all, but he said, ‘At the heart of liberty is the right to define one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life.’”
Should Seminaries Require Students to Write So Many Academic Research Papers? John Frame Says No | Andy Naselli
“[Frame] provocatively elaborates on seven items he thinks seminaries can do without… Here’s what he says about academic research papers.”
Reading Writers: Brandon Smith, J.A. Medders, & 100 Deadly Skills | Aaron Armstrong, Blogging Theologically
Aaron Armstrong launches his new podcast on Christian authors.
Online Greek Resources | BibleX
“Here are a couple of Greek resources that some of you might be interested in.”
Do We Sing Jesus Christ’s Name in the Psalter? | Travis Fentiman, Reformed Books Online
“The Psalter has often been valued less than it should as a manual for sung praise because it is claimed that we do not sing Jesus Christ’s personal name in it . . . This claim also happens to be false; we do sing Jesus Christ’s personal name throughout the Psalter, which will be overwhelmingly shown.”
Parenting in Paradox | Paul Sadler, Grace Baptist Church
Paul reflects on “Patient Parenting” and the importance of following God’s wisdom, even when it seems paradoxical.
New Book
Pictures at a Theological Exhibition: Scenes of the Church’s Worship, Witness and Wisdom by Kevin J. Vanhoozer
Kindle Deals
For your non-Kindle book buying needs please consider using Reformation Heritage Books in the USA and Reformed Book Services in Canada. Good value prices and shipping.
Hero Found: The Greatest POW Escape of the Vietnam War by Bruce Henderson ($1.99)
Putting Amazing Back into Grace: Embracing the Heart of the Gospel by Michael Horton ($2.99)
Prayer – 10th Anniversary Edition: Finding the Heart’s True Home by Richard J. Foster ($1.99)
Don’t Give Up
Feel like giving up? Maybe this video will encourage you. U.S. Army Captain Sarah Cudd of Public Health Command earns the coveted Expert Field Medical Badge given to military medics who complete a set of brutally difficult written and physical tests. The last test is a 12-mile march while equipped with heavy fatigues, a large pack, and a rifle. (This is not a statement about women in combat!)