
You Have No Rights Without Natural Law | Jim Demint
“Our rights as Americans are considered unalienable only because they were inherent in the natural order of life established by the laws of nature and nature’s God. ”

Why Are Progressives On An Anti-Christian Witch Hunt?
“The trend lines are genuinely disturbing. Christians are turning into the sort of minority it is socially acceptable to despise and marginalize. Ordinary rules of civility and social inclusion don’t seem to apply to them. We believe in free speech, except not for Christians. Freedom of association doesn’t necessarily apply to them. Rules of civility and decency are more optional when Christians are involved. Shall we even pretend that freedom of religion is a cherished American commitment in our day?”

A Word About Polite Abusers – Pastor Dave Online
“The heart desire for power and control can utilize even good things to do great evil. We must look at more than simply external behavior if we are going to seek to identify abuse in the home. We must hear the pleas of desperate women, take them seriously, and do the hard work of confronting the hearts of their seemingly polite husbands. Abuse can hide in plain sight. It may often look very different from what you’d expect.”

8 Steps for Pastors to Recover 10 Hours From Their Week
And here are 15 Productivity Tips for Pastors.

Is It Time To Ban Computers From Classrooms? | Cosmos And Culture : NPR
The debate continues but the evidence increasingly supports a ban. On a similar subject here’s A Practical Approach for Increasing Students’ In-Class Questions.

Ten Key Questions for Sermon Preparation — DASH/HOUSE
Good big picture reminders.

New Book

It’s Dangerous to Believe: Religious Freedom and its Enemies by Mary Eberstadt.

Kindle Book

For your non-Kindle book buying needs please consider using Reformation Heritage Books in the USA and Reformed Book Services in Canada. Good value prices and shipping.

Loving your Wife as Christ Loved the Church by Larry McCall $3.99.


Colorblind brothers overwhelmed at seeing color for the first time
These are what you call “tears of joy.” Couldn’t help but think of the response of the blind men to whom that Jesus restored sight.

  • Phil Pockras

    David, the EnChroma glasses video was wonderful. My older son has this problem, and the glasses have been startlingly effective. He has been travelling a lot of late doing research for a book he’s writing, and he has especially been captivated this spring and early summer by the gold of ripe wheatfields which, without the glasses, are a dull dun color.

    When he got them last autumn, one remark of his I remember was, “Dad, I had no idea there were such things as *orange* marigolds!” My generous sister and brother-in-law bought them for him for a birthday present.

    These glasses are a wonderful gift to humanity in God’s providence. You’ve doubtless read of the fact that it was only through what the world calls a “serendipity” that these optical coatings’ ability for correcting red/green deficiency was even discovered. They were not originally designed for this application.