
Religious Liberty and the Fracturing of Civil Society | Andrew T. Walker, Public Discourse
“Civil society is dying due to liberal orthodoxy.”

Questions to Ask Before We Gossip | Stephen Witmer, Desiring God
“Here are eight diagnostic questions to help you discern whether, in talking to others about another person with whom we’re struggling, we’re actually gossiping.”

Biblical Friendship Cannot Be Hacked | Jonathan Holmes, TGC
“In and through biblical friendship, demonstrated by self-sacrificial love, we can tell a living story to a world crying out for genuine relationships. In and through such friendship, two people who have nothing in common but Christ can tell the amazing story of the gospel, of the Friend who sacrificed everything to be in friendship with you.”

Help Me Teach the Bible: Jenny Salt and Carrie Sandom on Preparing a Talk | Nancy Guthrie, TGC
“In this episode of Help Me Teach the Bible, I sat down with Carrie Sandom from The Proclamation Trust in the UK and Jenny Salt from Sydney Missionary and Bible College in Australia to talk about how they approach a passage they are preparing to teach. They discuss their first opportunities and how they found confidence to teach, as well as how they would each like to continue to improve their teaching. ”

5 Lessons My Parents Taught Me About Sexuality | Jaquelle Crowe, TGC
“Since sexuality is from God, Christian parents cannot ignore talking about it. In the face of the world’s constant lies, your kids need the truth. They need open discussion. They need biblical answers to tough questions. They need grace. Ultimately, they need the gospel. And parents, it’s your responsibility to give it to them.”

15 Things the Proverbs Teach About How to Post on Facebook | Bob O’Bannon, New Life Presbyterian Church
“The Proverbs have much to teach us about how to use our tongues, as well as how to use our fingers as we type strongly-held opinions in a super-charged political climate.”

Seeing Productivity from a Biblical Perspective | Hugh, Whelchel, Institute for Faith, Work, and Economics
“Christians are called ‘to put productivity practices and tools in the service of God’s purposes.’ From a biblical perspective, productivity isn’t just about getting more things done; it’s about getting the right things done.”

Q+A: Why Letting the Dishes Go Can Save Your Soul | Interview with Shauna Niequist by Andrea Palpant Dilley,
“I was sprinting through my days. I was exhausted all the time. I was sick and not paying attention to the fact that I was sick. I just kept going and the quality of my life began to diminish pretty dramatically. And it felt like all those things that I had wanted originally—connection, creativity, play, depth—I couldn’t find anymore in my life.”

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Foundations: Four Big Questions We Should Be Asking But Typically Don’t by Peter Mead ($1.99)

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Change Your Brain, Change Your Body: Use Your Brain to Get and Keep the Body You Have Always Wanted by Dr. Daniel G. Amen ($1.99)

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