Don’t Write Just to Get Published
“As much as writing is tethered to publishing, getting published doesn’t make a writer. Writing makes a writer.”
Don’t Waste Your Hospital Visitation
“After more than fifteen years of pastoral ministry in Kansas City, there are not many hospitals that I have not visited. This ministry has played a vital role in my long-term pastorate at The Master’s Community Church.”
How Much Should a Pastor or Elder Tell His Wife?
“After years of mistakes, I now think through three questions before sharing any information about issues or people in the church with my wife.”
10 Things You should Know about General Revelation
“Because of our focus on the inspiration and inerrancy of God’s written revelation, the Bible (i.e., Special Revelation), we often tend to ignore the other ways in which God has made himself known more generally to all mankind. Theologians call this General Revelation. What is it and why is it important that we understand what is meant by it?”
Why We Should Be Grateful for Flourishing Evangelical Seminaries
“New data reveals that the largest seminaries in America are those that are most orthodox and evangelical. ”
America’s Lost Boys | Samuel D. James | First Things
Where have America’s young men gone? According to Erik Hurst, an economist from the University of Chicago, they’re playing video games.”
Kindle Books
For your non-Kindle book buying needs please consider using Reformation Heritage Books in the USA and Reformed Book Services in Canada. Good value prices and shipping.
Gospel Assurance and Warnings by Paul Washer $2.99.
The Best Kept Secret of Christian Mission: Promoting the Gospel with more than our Lips by John Dickson $3.99.
New Book
The Family Life of a Christian Leader by Ajith Fernando
Anyone involved in Christian ministry knows how challenging it is to balance ministry and family responsibilities. Many demands pull leaders in different directions—making it easy to neglect one or the other, often without even realizing it. Writing from decades of counseling and personal ministry experience, Ajith Fernando points Christian leaders back to the most important aspect of their lives: their relationship with God. He then offers practical guidance for responding to real-life situations in the home, including disciplining children, dealing with disappointment, loving one’s spouse, and pursuing joy. This book presents Christian leaders with a healthy and God-centered understanding of family that leads to a flourishing home.
Dr. Ian Hamilton talks about one of his favorite Banner books, and why Christians should consider reading it for themselves.