Rosaria Butterfield: No free passes | WORLD
Marvin Olasky interviews Rosaria Butterfield about how her life has been transformed since the publication of her biography.
How Much Sleep Do You Really Need To Work As Productively As Possible? | Lifehacker
A fascinating collection of the latest research.
10 Ways for Pastors to Continue Learning
“In addition to growing in the knowledge of God through reading Scripture, here are 10 ways a pastor may stay sharp after seminary.”
4 Ways the World Will Pressure You to Conform | Trevin Wax
“In every age, the world implements strategies of isolation, indoctrination, assimilation, and confusion, and in every age, the church must resist with confidence and courage, trusting that our faithfulness will be a gift to the nations we know will one day bow before the world’s true King.”
25 (Really) Lame Excuses for Not Following Your Calling. |
“I’ve found over the years that I hinder my own calling with excuses. Identifying them, however, helps me annihilate them. So let me do that for you, by sharing my top 25 lame excuses for not working out my calling:”
Bunyan’s Arrest and Post-Pluralism Persecution in America – Meet the Puritans
“I want to encourage us in our twenty-first-century context, as different as it might be from Bunyan’s, to observe what we share in common with him. First, notice how quickly religious liberties can disappear in spite of promises to the contrary.”
Killing Envy | The Christward Collective
“Chief among those sins that we tend to tolerate in our lives is covetousness, jealousy and envy. According to Scripture, jealousy is one of the most damaging of all heart sins.”
The Psalter Project | Gentle Reformation
“There’s nothing that makes me happier than helping people sing the psalms. It may seem hard, awkward, and even dull at times. But if we persevere, I am confident we will not be disappointed. Choose to sing the psalms!”
Kindle Books
For your non-Kindle book buying needs please consider using Reformation Heritage Books in the USA and Reformed Book Services in Canada. Good value prices and shipping.
How Could a Loving God? by Ken Ham $2.99.
The 100 Most Important Events in Church History $1.99
Unwind: 7 Principles for a Stress-Free Life by Michael Olpin $2.00. Not a Christian book but I usually pick up a few valuable directions from these kinds of books.