
The Gospel in Mexico: An Interview with Victor Cruz | Ligonier Ministries
An interview with a church planter in Mexico City.

Don’t waste your Suffering | Gentle Reformation
Two dangers that can prevent us profiting from our suffering

Why Marriage Is Better Than Cohabitation | Tim Challies
“Though Christians continue to affirm the uniqueness, the goodness, and the necessity of marriage, our society continues to legitimize cohabitation as either a common precursor to marriage or a complete alternative. This slide is troubling, for marriage offers a number of important benefits that are absent from cohabitation—benefits that extend to couples, to their children, to their families, and to society as a whole.”

Kindness Changes Everything | Desiring God
“Kindness is underrated. We equate it with being nice or pleasant, as though it’s mainly about smiling, getting along, and not ruffling feathers. It seems a rather mundane virtue. But the Bible presents a very different, and compelling, portrait of kindness.”

Why The Church Needs Business Principles | Barnabas Piper
A bit overstated, but I agree that business principles can “remove obstacles to the mission. They can increase the effectiveness of those working toward the mission. And they can create an environment that is open to those being invited into the mission.”

Sex Ed is Required. Why isn’t Financial Education? | CNN
“The American Dream isn’t possible without understanding how to save, invest and use debt wisely. Yet we mostly leave it up to people to figure what to do with their money on their own. No wonder the No. 1 place people under 55 get their financial tips from is a relative or friend, according to a survey by E*Trade. In other words, financial education is still very much a “learn it at home” activity.”

New Book

Designed to Lead: The Church and Leadership Development by Eric Geiger and Kevin Peck. I;ve learned a lot from Eric’s blog on leadership. This books especially addresses the need for leadership development in the church.

Kindle Books

Crazy Busy by Kevin DeYoung $3.99.

The Wages of Spin by Carl Trueman $2.99.

Transforming Grace: Living Confidently in God’s Unfailing Love by Jerry Bridges $3.99.


Why I am not a gay Christian | Rosaria Butterfield