
Western Culture – Moral Suicide
Don’t read this if you’re depressed. Some recent developments in the godless West.

Conflict Is an Opportunity
If we handle conflict biblically, it can be an opportunity for spiritual growth.

Visiting the Home and Grave of C. S. Lewis
Trevin Wax is on a pilgrimage.

Why is Worship So Happy?
“Proverbs 25:20 says that happy songs sung to a heavy heart are like stealing a garment on a cold day or pouring vinegar on a wound. They don’t help – they exacerbate the problem. Rather than lifting spirits they simply delineate the gap between out broken spirits and the gladness of others. Trying to comfort the grieving or empty with happy songs makes about as much sense as having toasts and dancing at a funeral.”

Whatever Is False, Whatever Is Dishonorable, Whatever Is Unjust…
“What makes holy people holy? What makes unholy people unholy? To a large degree it is what fills their minds and their hearts. This is why the battle for holiness is first a battle to flood your mind and heart with the right things, the best things, and why it’s equally a battle to avoid flooding your mind and heart with the wrong things, the worst things”

I Am a Pastor – And, I May Be Suffering From Burnout
See video below as well.

New Book

Faithfulness: No More Excuses by Lou Priolo $4.99.

Kindle Deals

For your non-Kindle book buying needs please consider using Reformation Heritage Books in the USA and Reformed Book Services in Canada. Good value prices and shipping.

Five Conversations You Must Have With Your Son by Vicki Courtney $0.99.

No Guts no Glory: How to Build A Youth Ministry That Lasts by Alan Stewart $2.99.


Megachurch Pastor Pete Wilson Resigns: “I’m not OK. I’m tired and I’m broken.”
I don’t know much about Pastor Wilson but this is a deeply moving resignation announcement. I’d watch it all to get the flavor, but he gets into his resignation about 3.37.