
Teaching Calvin in California – The New York Times
Yes, the New York Times!

Dad Enough to Sing
“I want my sons to grow up believing that a grown man singing is one of the most natural sounds in the world.”

The Life They Never Expected: Andrew and Rachel Wilson on Raising Special-Needs Kids
“I asked the Wilsons what role lament plays in their parenting, how churches can better serve parents of children with special needs, how having a child with special needs can challenge a marriage, and more.”

Seven Principles for Angry Parents Disciplining Angry Children
Martyn Lloyd-Jones offers seven principles to govern our disciplinary action as parents.

Pastoral Advice for White Pastors Shepherding Minority Members
“The reconciling power of the gospel urges pastors to become familiar with the ethnic demographic they shepherd.”

Is Your Church Messy Enough?
“If God is in the business of saving sinners, we need to expect that church will be full of sinners—those who are still wandering and those who have only just been found. If our churches reflect God’s heart for the lost, they will be full of people with problems, full of people showing the consequences of a lifetime of wandering. And this means that church may not be a safe and easy place. It may not be a place full of people who have it all together. It may be messy. It should be messy. Thank God if it is messy.”

Seven A’s of Confession | Counseling One Another
I need to hear this again and again and again.

New Book

The Temple and the Tabernacle: A Study of God’s Dwelling Places from Genesis to Revelation by J. Daniel Hays

Kindle Books

For your non-Kindle book buying needs please consider using Reformation Heritage Books in the USA and Reformed Book Services in Canada. Good value prices and shipping.

How to Enjoy Reading Your Bible by Keith Ferrin $1.99.

Five Views of Law and Gospel (Counterpoints Series) $3.99.


Interview with Alister McGrath
McGrath tells of how he moved from atheism to Christ. Some people really do speak like this in England.