
How God Used a Hailstorm (in September) | Kara Dedert, En Route
You. Must. Read. This. Now!

How the Puritans Can Help Us with the Christian Life Today | Justin Taylor, TGC
Justin Taylor argues that the Puritans deserve far greater consideration for everyday Christian living than most of us have given them.

3 Reasons Leading Volunteers Is a Great Test | Eric Geiger
“In many ways, leading volunteers is the ultimate test of one’s ability to lead others. When I interview someone, I don’t only look for their work with “paid staff”; I pay close attention to their history leading volunteers. I have hired people from the local church to lead large teams at LifeWay because I believe their ability to build and lead teams of volunteers would easily translate into leading a team. On the flip side, many leaders in companies are only able to direct people because of positional authority and title and not because they are able to influence people toward a compelling direction.”

Distinguishing Among the Three Persons of the Trinity within the Reformed Tradition | Kevin DeYoung, TGC
This is the post I’ve been waiting for regarding the “eternal subordination” debate.

A Simple Way To Increase God’s Joy In Your Life | Mark Altrogge, The Blazing Center
“God gives us all his commands for our joy and gladness. God doesn’t need our praise and worship. He is completely and infinitely joyful, fulfilled, and satisfied in and of himself. He’s not some egomaniac in the sky who needs our praise to feel fulfilled, affirmed and complete. All God’s commands are for OUR benefit, OUR good, and OUR joy. Do you want to increase your joy in Jesus? Then seek to praise him and thank him as much as you can.”

New Book

For your non-Kindle book buying needs please consider using Reformation Heritage Books in the USA and Reformed Book Services in Canada. Good value prices and shipping.

Prophet, Priest, and King: The Roles of Christ in the Bible and Our Roles Today by Richard P. Belcher Jr.

Kindle Deals

Relativism: Feet Firmly Planted in Mid-Air by Francis J. Beckwith and Gregory Koukl ($1.99)

The Absurdity of Unbelief: A Worldview Apologetic of the Christian Faith ($0.99)

Reading God’s Story: A Chronological Daily Bible by George Guthrie ($2.99)


The Doctrine of God and Reformed Theology | Ligonier Ministries