Three Sleep Aids from Psalm 3
Some biblical advice for insomniacs.
The State of Theology: An Interview with Chris Larson and Stephen Nichols
Chris and Steve discuss the significant findings of a recent religious survey of the population.
Five Benefits of Regular Family Worship
Tom Ascol: “Over the years I have asked groups of Christian adults how many of them grew up in homes where there was regular family worship. Early on it was rare to find people (typically of my generation or older) who answered affirmatively. In recent years the number of positive responses has increased dramatically—almost exclusively with younger generations of believers. This is a hopeful and encouraging indication of biblical reformation taking place.”
Preacher’s Toolkit: How Long Should It Take Me to Prepare a Sermon?
“The time allotted to develop sermons becomes a blending of proficiency and providence, of work and wonder; we must live in the tension between our well-ordered rhythms and variables not entirely controllable.”
What Is Biblical Stewardship?
R C Sproul explains how stewardship is about “exercising our God-given dominion over His creation, reflecting the image of our creator God in His care, responsibility, maintenance, protection, and beautification of His creation.”
Ligon Duncan on Why ‘No Creed But the Bible’ Is a Lousy Creed
“What does it mean to be a confessional church? When making our case for a particular doctrine, is it fine to reference our confession of faith, or would it be best to just stick to Scripture? Isn’t the Bible enough for Christians in establishing our doctrine and practice? Should we demand church members subscribe to a particular view of a third-level doctrine? ”
Kindle Books
For your non-Kindle book buying needs please consider using Reformation Heritage Books in the USA and Reformed Book Services in Canada. Good value prices and shipping.
History of Israel by Walter Kaiser $2.99.
Joni: An Unforgettable Story $1.99. I imagine everyone over forty has read this inspiring story but maybe some younger readers haven’t.
The Envy of Eve: Finding Contentment in a Covetous World by Melissa Kruger $2.99.
Beating the College Debt Trap: Getting a Degree Without Going Broke by Alex Chediak $2.99.
Singing Man: The Story Behind the Viral Video of Ben Ellis
Watch the video then click the link above to read the story.
Here’s the original video.