I’m A Modern Woman Who Loves My Church’s All-Male Pastors Rule
This was on the Federalist website! As the writer says, although she believes this is the biblical order, here she offers a more pragmatic argument.
Depressed and Thankful: Six Ways to Find Joy | Desiring God
“A melancholy side to my personality makes me prone to see the glass as half empty. I realize that for many individuals medication is truly necessary. But the weapon that has made the most difference in my life in fighting depression, and something we can all benefit from, is gratitude.”
Refusing To Serve People You Don’t Agree With Is Suddenly Not Bigotry
“Remember how it was the height of bigotry for religious objectors to decline to participate in a gay wedding? But now it’s brave to decline to sell Melania Trump a dress.”
Life Changing Sermons | Nick Batzig
“Here are what I would consider to be 10 life changing sermons that I’ve heard (either in person or online) over the past 15 years:”
Your Best Sermons are Your Least Favorite | Nick Macdonald
A short post with a powerful point:
The sermons I’ve liked least, congregants have liked most. Why? Because what I value as a preacher is often at odds with what congregants value. For me, I value: Excellence. Fluidity. Choice Words and Phrases. Consistency: nothing deviates from my plan or point. No stuttering, no wandering, nothing unpredictable or unexpected. But the congregation often values something else: Electricity. Authenticity. Spontaneity. Genuine Connection. A moment being shared, for the first time, together. In other words: congregants value the sense that their presence is what makes a sermon work.
The Common Sin of Middle Age Believers | Gentle Reformation
Barry York says it’s spiritual complacency and offers helpful advice for overcoming it.
Kindle Books
Loving the Way Jesus Loved by Phil Ryken $3.99. An excellent book.
A Loving Life: In a World of Broken Relationships by Paul Miller.
The Effect of Prayer and Being Present Has on a Troubled Community