No More Channel-Flipping Sermons. |
I’m with Nick on this one:
So pick a section of scripture, and stick to it. Put down the clicker. Maybe change the channel once, from Old Testament to New, or vice versa. But hunker down. Tell the story, make the argument, sing the song. If I had to make a rule of thumb, I’d say three different texts is plenty, but two is ideal.
Does Sermon Prep Get Easier? | Richard Caldwell, The Expositors Seminary
“Can I expect that the longer I preach, and the more times that I prepare sermons, the easier it will become to be ready by Sunday? I would answer, yes and no.”
3 Ways to Recognize Workaholism in Ministry | Eric Geiger
“Ministry can attract workaholics because working non-stop in ministry can feel holy and attract applause. But being a workaholic in any role is never holy, and it always leaves one hollow. Families suffer. Relationships are harmed. No one wins.”
Six Questions to Diagnose Subtle Gossip | Desiring God
Ever sent a message about someone to others and then realize you’ve also sent it to the person too? Yep.
Best Possible Gift: The Legacy of Mike Ovey (1958–2017)| Matthew Barrett, TGC
“Sadly, and without warning, Mike died this past Saturday evening, leaving behind his wife, Heather, and their three children: Charlie, Harry, and Ana. It is an understatement to say Mike’s death was an absolute shock to the close-knit seminary community at Oak Hill as well as to the wider evangelical world. Countless stude nts, colleagues, and friends continue to grieve such a great loss to the church in the UK and in America. To many the timing seems premature. Why Mike Ovey . . . and why now, O Lord?”
Isabel Hardman: When my mind stopped working, I realised just how badly we treat mental health| The Telegraph
“At first, I found work was an escape from my personal problems, and colleagues remarked on how well I seemed to be coping, given what had happened. But gradually I found my mind becoming foggier, and my reactions to everyday troubles more extreme and anxious. I’ve had times in my life where I have been miserable. But never before had I struggled to control my mind.”
What Christianity Alone Offers Transgender Persons | Sam Allberry, TGC
“A day barely passes without transgender issues hitting the news. It might be a human interest feature about someone transitioning from one sex to another, and how they’ve been received (or not) by their communities. It might concern the politics of rights for transgender men and women, and which restrooms should be available to them. It might have to do with complex discussions about the causes of and treatments available for transgenderism. But one thing’s for sure: This issue isn’t going away anytime soon, and we Christians can’t afford to avoid it. ”
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