As A Psychiatrist, I Thought I’d Be Immune To Postpartum Depression. I Was Wrong. | Dr. Aparna Iyer, Postpartum Progress
“I am a psychiatrist who treats mental health issues during pregnancy and the postpartum period. I had thought that this would somehow make me immune to postpartum depression, as though I could have seen it coming from a mile away and warded it off. But I was wrong. Quite frankly, I never thought it would happen to me.”
Planned Parenthood’s Most Misleading Statistic | Joe Carter, TGC
“Almost a decade ago, Planned Parenthood began telling a monstrous lie, one so light and airy that it continues to fly around the globe: that abortions represent only three percent of the services they provide. Although the claim has been repeatedly debunked—even by some abortion supporters—the truth is still trying to catch up with.”
Are Christians Arrogant? Rethinking the Definition of Humility | Michael J. Kruger, Canon Fodder
“Over the years, the definition of humility has undergone a gradual but nonetheless profound change. Especially in the intellectual community. In the modern day, humility has basically become synonymous with another word: uncertainty. To be uncertain is to be humble. To be certain is to be arrogant. Thus, the cardinal sin in the intellectual world is to claim to know anything for sure.”
The Pastor and the Biblical Languages | Jason K. Allen Podcast
Covers subjects such as:
- How Dr. Van Neste developed a love for the biblical languages
- Why pastors should study the biblical languages
- Advice to pastors who have forgotten their biblical languages
- A brief discussion on bible language software
- Ways pastors can stay fresh with the biblical languages
- The importance of regular routines to maintain one’s biblical languages
- How to develop accountability with the biblical languages
- Recommended resources for studying the biblical languages”
4 Things to Remember When Thinking About the Curses in The Psalms | Jack Collins, The Gospel Coalition
Here’s a good introduction to the problem of the imprecatory Psalms:
Many psalms call on God for help as the faithful are threatened with harm from enemies (often called “the wicked”—frequently the unfaithful who persecute the godly, and sometimes Gentile oppressors). In a number of places, the requested help is that God would punish these enemies. Christians, with the teaching and example of Jesus (in passages like Matt. 5:38-48; Luke 23:34; 1 Pet. 2:19-23; cf. Acts 7:6), may wonder what to make of such curses: How can it possibly be right for God’s people to pray in this way?
When You Feel Dead On The Inside – Part 2
“So what do you do when you feel dead on the inside? What do you say to your loved ones when they feel this way? In the last post, I offered 10 diagnostic questions upon which to reflect. Here I want to offer 10 actions that, when taken, give life to the discouraged soul.”
How We Thrived On Less Than $20K (And How You Probably Can Too)
“God provided in some truly miraculous ways … but the main way God provided for us was through frugal living and the ability to work (see Deuteronomy 8:18.)… I would like to share some of our tips for frugality that got us through our poorer times, as well as some frugality tips I’ve figured out now that we can afford some more luxuries, such as vacations.”
New Book
Enjoy: Finding the Freedom to Delight Daily in God’s Good Gifts by Trillia Newbell
Kindle Deals
Five Conversations You Must Have with Your Daughter by Vicki Courtney ($2.99)
Grief Undone: A Journey with God and Cancer by Elizabeth W. D. Groves ($1.99)
How to Fight Fear in Motherhood: Noël Piper, Kathleen Nielson, and Gloria Furman Discuss