Does Christology Matter? | Sinclair Ferguson, Ligonier Ministries
“…Jesus Christ Himself is the gospel. Like loose threads in a tapestry—pull on any of these views, and the entire gospel will unravel. If the Christ we trust and preach is not qualified to save us, we have a false Christ.”
Where does happiness come from? | Denny Burk
“It is not an overstatement to say that happiness comes from the Bible—not the Bible as an end in itself, but the Bible as God’s written revelation and as our only means of knowing Him.”
GREEKONOMICS: How to set goals, manage your time, and grow your Greek | Robert L. Plummer
Robert L. Plummer gives you the tools and encouragement to keep your Greek New Testament open.
5 Types of Mental Health Professionals: Title, Education, and Purpose | Brad Hambrick
“The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) recognizes at least five areas of independent professional practice for the diagnosis and treatment of Mental Health issues. While NAMI’s recognition of professional Mental Health Practitioners may not be exhaustive, it is perhaps the most concise and descriptive of Mental Health services provided by different disciplines. It can be helpful for churches to be aware of the education and primary purposes of each type of mental health professional.”
How to Ruin a Perfectly Good Sermon | Marty Duren, LifeWay Pastors
“This post is not concerned with things outside the pastor’s control: people having coughing fits that go on for several minutes, children (or adults) making repeated restroom visits, Sister Sue clipping her fingernails, or someone snoring. We are considering only things the pastor/preacher might do to ruin a perfectly good sermon.”
The Sabbath Day Brings Real Rest and Refreshment | Sean Michael Lucas, Ligonier
“The grace of the fourth commandment is that God promises to give us real rest and real refreshment when we find our rest in Him. As we remember the Sabbath day, as we keep it holy to the Lord, we find that we begin to enter into the rest that God offers and gain a foretaste of the heavenly rest to come, the rest of the new heavens and new earth.”
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