
Reclaiming Your Eyes from Pornography | Kole Farney, For The Church
“The antidote for images you used to look at is the new and better image—the glory of Christ. ”

Living under Authority | R.C. Sproul, Ligonier
“The world has gone crazy in lawlessness, but we’re to be different. Wherever we find ourselves under authority—and we all find ourselves submitting to various authorities—we’re to submit to that authority.”

The Day of Trouble | Right With God
“Few christians go through the whole of their christian lives without experiencing a time of trouble. Some, like our beloved brethren in foreign countries where it is forbidden to practice christianity, have never known a time of peace and freedom from danger. Some who have enjoyed years of blessing under the hand of God are suddenly hit by a time of trouble.”

Four Ways Not to Work | Dr. Stephen R. Graves
“So ask yourself: Are you settled in your work, or is your soul full of turmoil and chaos from your work? Here are four ways not to work, or four ways work can increase your chaos (what I call ‘inner noise’)…”

5 Ways To Maximize Your Down Time | Clark Campbell, Lifeway Leadership
“While many of us have begun to do something about our lack of margin, we often “lose sight of what matters the most.” Maybe we’ve built-in adequate margin in our schedules but what are we actually filling up that valuable time with?”

The Role of Christian Journalism—and Its Place at TGC | Joe Carter, TGC
“Crouch says the role of the journalist is to ‘make complicated things clear, quickly, for people who could be doing something else, in the service of truth.’”

Open Arms to the Muslim World | Desiring God
The wonderful story of Samuel Zwemer.

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Learning to Love the Psalms by W. Robert Godfrey

Kindle Deals

Fierce Convictions – The Extraordinary Life of Hannah More: Poet, Reformer, Abolitionist by Karen Swallow Prior ($1.99)

Ordinary: Sustainable Faith in a Radical, Restless World by Michael Horton ($2.99)

Preaching the Old Testament edited by Scott M. Gibson ($2.99)


How did John MacArthur first become interested in doctrine?