Announcing The Winners Of The 2017 World Changing Ideas Awards | Fast Company
Celebrate human creativity and enjoy some entrepreneurial inspiration.
Preaching about race: Keeping the big picture in view | ERLC
“A genuinely Christian attitude toward ethnic and racial diversity is not one of toleration, but celebration. The inclusion of ethnically diverse peoples in the Church is God’s intention, fulfilling his gospel promise (Gen. 12, 15; Eph. 2, 4; Rev. 5, 7). The glory of the triumphantly consummated kingdom of Christ will be demonstrated by the multi-ethnic diversity of worshippers from every tribe, language, people and nation. These categories must help frame our sermons.”
Why I Love the Psalms | Robert Godfrey
“I was converted to Christ as a junior in high school through the ministry of a church that primarily sang the Psalms. So, for many years, I have lived with the Psalms and have come to know some things about them. But only in recent years have I found them profoundly engaging and fascinating.”
Authority and vulnerability: 2 necessary ingredients for redemptive leadership
“What is your natural, tempting go-to response when under pressure in a leadership position? Exert more power? Withdraw? Or suffer silently in self-pity? What does biblical leadership look like when those under you aren’t following? How do you put together both Matthew 28:18-19 and Philippians 2:3-8—all authority and ultimate humility—in a single leader? ”
Kindle Books
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Preaching and Preachers by Martyn Lloyd-Jones $3.99.
Note to Self: The Discipline of Preaching to Yourself by Joe Thorn $3.99. My favorite small book.
The World of Jesus: Making Sense of the People and Places of Jesus’ Day by William Marty $0.79.